Muscari Armenicium Blue Pack Of 2 Bulb Imported


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How to Plant Muscari

 You may plant the bulbs individually, but they look more natural planted in groups of 6 or more. To plant multiple bulbs at once, just dig out a small area, plant the bulbs and replace the soil. Fall and winter rains usually provide adequate moisture for bulbs. Water only if the weather is very dry.

Planting Tips: Muscari are inexpensive bulbs, so it’s easy to plant them in large numbers. Simply dig out an area, scatter the bulbs, and replace the soil.

What to Expect

Muscari will grow almost anywhere. If the soil and weather conditions suit them, the bulbs will multiply and give you a better show each spring. You can encourage the bulbs to perennialize by planting them in full sun and very well-drained soil that stays dry during the summer.

If the bulbs multiply and become crowded over time, they can be dug up, divided and replanted. The best time to do this is in late spring, right after they finish blooming. Dig gently, keeping the foliage attached. Replant immediately and water well to settle the bulbs.

Muscari look pretty in a vase and the flowers can last for a week or more. For a spring nosegay, combine muscari with primroses, violas and other small spring flowers.

Muscari bulbs are also good for forcing. Plant the bulbs in pots in late fall. Water well and then store in a cool, dark place at about 40°F for at least 15 weeks.


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