Beetroot pack of 50 seeds Hybrid


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Beetroot are easy to grow and ideal for anyone new to vegetable gardening. And beetroot is for more than pickling. Try roast beetroot “or even try it in your burger when you are having a barbecue. For best results,sow beetroot little and often,harvesting the roots when they are young,tender and the size of a golf ball. The leaves can also be eaten. If you grow varieties for winter storage,it is possible to have beetroot almost all year round.

Beta vulgaris(Scientific Name) June to september approximately 35.0 cm (1.14 feet) Easy

Planting and care


  • A soil pH above 5.5 “6 is best, otherwise growth will be stunted. Beets are a good indicator of soil pH.
  • Till in aged manure before planting. Beets require especially good nutrition and a high phosphorus level to germinate. Go easy on nitrogen however, an excess will cause sprawling greens and tiny bulbs beneath the soil.
  • Wait until soil reaches 50 degrees before planting. Plant seeds ½ inch deep and 1-2 inches apart.
  • Make sure soil remains moist for germination. In zones with low moisture and rainfall, soak the seeds for 24 hours before planting.
  • Early crop can be planted in March/April, and late crop anytime from June to September.
  • Successive plantings are also possible as long as the weather doesn’t exceed 75 degrees F. Space plantings about 20 days apart.
  • Winter crops are a definite possibility in Zone 9 and above.
    Full sun , partial sun Beetroot will grow in any well-drained garden soil but require fertile conditions,best ensured by digging in at least a bucketful of well-rotted garden compost.
    Prefers a neutral soil with a pH of between 6.5 and 7.5.
    Water every 10-14 days in dry spells. If plants are not growing strongly,apply 30g per square metre of high nitrogen fertiliser,such as sulphate of ammonia,and water in. Around 45°F Apply any organic fertilizer.


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