Dianthus F1 Telestar Pack Of 1000 Seeds Imported


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Dianthus F1 Telstar grow easily from seed but take a long time to mature, so they should be started early indoors about 10 to 12 weeks before the last frost date. Press seeds into the surface of the soil and cover to their thickness, as darkness is required for germination. Covering the pots with black plastic is a good idea. Keep the planting medium damp, and once the seeds have sprouted, (about 14 days at 70 degrees F.) Move them to a greenhouse.

Dianthus chinensis A week or so before transplanting into the garden, harden the  seedlings off by putting them in a cold frame or a sheltered spot outdoors during the day.

Full Sun well-drained soil high in organic matter, and full sun or partial shade. Remember to water your seedling regularly. One of the most common reasons seedling fail is because they are not watered enough, so if your seedling are not doing well, try watering them more.but water should not stay in pot, it should be moist, not wet seeds like sun and cooler temperatures. 65 to 70 degree C Apply dry fertilizer directly to damp soil. Water the fertilizer into the soil. Can use a general, all-purpose fertilizer around your plant to help them grow.
Hardy annual. Dainty, fully double blooms in deepest maroon, almost black, edged in brilliant white. The margins of the petals are heavily frilled, and the overall effect is one of great dignity and refinement, yet stunning beauty. The one-inch blooms are sweetly fragrant. Makes a fine cut flower but really shines in a massed planting. Compact plants, the flowers are held above the grass-like foliage, reaching about a foot in height.
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