Freeshia Mix Color Pack Of 10 Bulbs


Availability: In stock


Here are some tips for growing freesia from bulbs:

When to plant
In the spring, plant freesia bulbs in a greenhouse or directly into patio containers. You can transplant them outside.

Where to plant
Freesias prefer a sunny, sheltered location with well-drained soil. If planting in containers, use a free-draining compost.

How to plant
Plant the bulbs with the pointed end facing up, 2–5 cm deep, and 5–15 cm apart.

Water well after planting, and keep the soil moist but not wet until shoots appear. Allow the soil to almost dry out between watering.

After planting, place the pots in a cool, frost-free area for 3–4 weeks. Once shoots appear, move them to a warmer, sunnier location.

Once the first buds appear, apply a high potassium fertilizer every 1–2 weeks.

Winter care

Bulbs planted in borders should be lifted and stored in a cool, frost-free place until the following spring.

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