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Limonium Qis White Pack 25-30 Seeds F1 Imported


Availability: In stock

SKU: limonium qis white Categories: , , Tags: ,

Scientific Name: Limonium sinuatum

Common Name: Statice

Propagation Method: Seed

Form Supplied As: Raw

Cultivation Type: High Tunnel, Field

Planting Density: 10 to 20 plants/sq. meter (1 to 2 plants/sq. foot).

Usage: Filler

Flower Color (primary): Mixture

Foliage Color: Light Green

Widely recommended by professional cut flower growers in the world, QIS (“Quality in Seed”) is a considerable improvement over standard seed varieties in uniformity, colour, flower size and stem quality. Produces clouds of tiny, non-shattering flowers. Delivers shipability and long vase life. Popular for both fresh and preserved cut flower production. Stiff stems do not require netting.

Formulated to showcase top-selling colours. Includes Dark Blue, Pale Blue, Rose, White and Yellow.


Stem Length: 76 – 89cm (30 – 35″)


Growing Statice from Seed

Statice can be grown from seed sown directly in the garden after all frost danger has passed.

  • Sow Limonium Indoors in early Spring.
  • Limonium seeds require complete darkness for germination so after you sow and water them, cover the pots (or tray) with a few layers of newspaper.
  • If the seeds are kept warm at 70°-75°, they will begin to germinate in as little as 3-5 days.
  • Once the majority of seeds have sprouted, remove the cover and move your plants to a sunny window.
  • Thin and transplant the seedlings when the first ‘true’ leaves appear.
  • Plant outdoors after all dangers of frost has passed.
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