
Zinnia Liliput Dwarf pack Of 25-30 Seeds Desi


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About Zinnia Seeds – Pulcino Mix

Zinnia elegans

SEED TYPEOpen Pollinated Seed
PLANT TYPEDouble, Semi-Double

Pulcino Mixed Zinnias produce full, bushy plants that are simply covered in blooms .Pulcino Mix is a must have Zinnia for the no-hassle gardener!

Sow Seeds Outdoors

The easiest way to start zinnias is to plant them directly in their final beds outdoors. It takes air and soil of more than 70 degrees Fahrenheit to germinate well, so wait until spring to plant zinnia seeds.

Plant them about 1/4 inch deep right in the ground, spaced as much as your chosen variety needs, anywhere from a couple of inches to a couple of feet. Once they sprout, thin them carefully to encourage the strongest to thrive. Give enough space so that air can flow around the mature flowers, preventing disease.


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