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Antirrhinum Madame Butterfly Mix pack of 25 Seeds Imported


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Antirrhinum Madame Butterfly Description:

Antirrhinum Madame Butterfly Controlled and consistent across all seasons. Highly programmable with reduced photoperiod sensitivity offers consistent crop timing across all seasons. Bred for high-density production in packs and small pots with a reliable, tight flowering window for bench run finish. Strong central leader combined with sturdy branching creates an easy to ship plant and provides a classic look at retail.

Full Sun well-drained soil high in organic matter, and full sun or partial shade. Remember to water your seedling regularly. One of the most common reasons seedling fail is because they are not watered enough, so if your seedling are not doing well, try watering them more.but water should not stay in pot, it should be moist, not wet seeds like sun and cooler temperatures. 65 to 70 degree C Apply dry fertilizer directly to damp soil. Water the fertilizer into the soil. Can use a general, all-purpose fertilizer around your plant to help them grow.


Variety: Mixture

Product Type: Seed

Category: Annual

Description : Unique double azalea flower form. Florets are larger trhan standard snapdragons, providing fuller, more graceful flower spikes.

Application : Spring-blooming Annual Container Gardening Indoor Décor/Potted Plant Patio Gardening

Selling/Finishing Season : Early Spring Sales (tolerates frost) Spring Sales (After last frost)

Approximate Size : 14 – 16″ x 24 – 30″

ContainerOptions : Large pots (8-12″/2-5 gallon) Packs/Flats (smallest sizes) Small pots (4-6″/quart-gallon)

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