Radish Seeds, safed mooli 40+seeds


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Radish Seeds Description

Radish Seeds(Raphanus sativus) is an edible root vegetable of the Brassicaceae family that was domesticated in Europe in pre-Roman times. They are grown and consumed throughout the world. Radishes have numerous varieties, varying in size, colour and duration of required cultivation time.

Radish Seeds There are some radishes that are grown for their seeds; oilseed radishes are grown, as the name implies, for oil production. Radish can sprout from seed to small plant in as little as 3 days.

Radish Seeds Also known as spring radishes, summer radishes, winter radishes, Oriental radishes, Daikon, Japanese radishes, Chinese radishes, Raphanus sativus

spring radishes, summer radishes, winter radishes, Oriental radishes, Daikon, Japanese radishes, Chinese radishes Spring and the fall Height: 0.5 to 1.5 feet Spread: 0.5 to 0.75 feet Easy

Planting and care

Sow daikon radish seeds about an inch deep and 2 inches apart (or follow instructions on your seed packet) in your freshly prepared garden bed. Thin seedlings to about 6 inches apart once they are 2 inches tall. Space rows about 2 feet apart. Sow new seeds every two weeks for a successive crop.

Full sun, part shade, Yields best in full sun. Requires well-drained soil, loose soil, high in organic matter, free from stones, with pH 5.8 to 6.8. Needs plentiful, consistent moisture. Water your daikon radishes regularly during dry weather. Try to keep the soil moist. Give them a good long soak as soon as the top of the soil dries out. Avoid over-watering. The soil should never be soggy. If roots are left to sit in too much water they are prone to rot. Germination temperature: 55 F to 85 F Daikon radishes should not need much feeding if planted in fertile soil. However, they may benefit from a dressing of compost tea a couple of times throughout the growing season. Avoid fertilizers that are high in nitrogen. They help to produce lush leaves but poor vegetables.

Caring for White Radish

  • Radishes require well-drained soil with consistent moisture.
  • Thin radishes to about an inch apart when the plants are a week old. You will be amazed at the results.


  • Radishes will be ready to harvest quite rapidly, as three weeks after planting for some varieties.
  • Do not leave in the ground long after mature stage, their condition will deteriorate quickly.
  • Cut the tops off short, wash the radishes and dry them thoroughly. Store in plastic bags in the refrigerator.
  • Radish greens can be stored separately for up to three days.


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