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Zinnia Megallen Pack Of 20 Seeds F1 Imported


Availability: In stock

SKU: Zinnia Megallen Mix Categories: , , ,

The Magellan series zinnia is a hybrid zinnia variety known for its hardiness and abundant blooms. These cut-and-come-again flowers are early to bloom, compact, and resistant to many unfavorable growing conditions

The Magellan zinnia variety has a compact growth habit, rarely getting larger than 16 inches tall. Typically you can expect these dwarf plants to measure one foot in height and the same in width when fully mature.

Due to improved genetics, these bushy zinnia plants are heat and drought-tolerant. They also boast some resistance to common diseases.

Zinnias are some of the easiest flowers to grow, and the robust Magellan zinnia takes this a step further.

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